Why earned media is better than your own channels
When it comes to cost-effective awareness-building and getting new people talking about you, none of your marketing channels can beat getting those earned media articles.
When it comes to cost-effective awareness-building and getting new people talking about you, none of your marketing channels can beat getting those earned media articles.
Learn how San Francisco agency helped Videoly with its Comms Strategy development.
The MIT-founded company uses drones to provide convenient and innovative home delivery services to people in remote areas. Backed by the venture arm of the
Since 1983, increased lightning safety awareness has helped decrease deaths by lightning by almost two thirds in the U.S. The economic impacts of lightning have
We sat down with Christina Forsgård to talk about the media and journalism and the growing problems with disinformation in the media.
How do you do international PR? We show you 4 ways international PR is different than what you do at home, and how to get
From Comms Strategy to PR Plan to WIRED! Check out SuperGround’s international PR journey.
The solution integrates NinaData’s intent-based audience segments with PubMatic’s Connect Platform enabling media buyers to better reach in-market consumers with privacy-safe, personalised advertising messages. Finnish
In Spring 2023, San Francisco and Luonkos worked together on a new Communications Strategy for the company.
Read how San Francisco Agency helped Carbonaide land TechCrunch, Sifted, and Business Insider with their spinout and funding news.
After just one green wall transformed a conference room from barely usable into a pleasant space in its Helsinki office, Jobilla wanted to ensure its
Montinutra partners up with Ole Hyvä Luonnontuote in a new personal care product range that utilises Montinutra’s Boreal Bioproducts® SpruceSugar™ as an ingredient. SpruceSugar™ is
Learn how we helped get Membrane Finance’s EUROe launch into top tier crypto and finance media!
Read our tips for how to kickstart your international PR efforts – from how to find the right media contacts to having spokespersons in place.
Your ultimate cheat sheet on how to write a press release that gets picked up by the media every time.
We tell you three great reasons why the best day to start doing international PR is today.
The successful A-round was led by Aqua-Spark and joined by Tesi, Valio, Voima Ventures, and Nordic Foodtech VC. With the investment, eniferBio will begin to
Female-led, Luxembourg-based investor ready to invest up to EUR 60 million over the next few years, and is looking for even more European and Asian
We met Leah at Slush while she was digging into the stories behind the data that PitchBook gathers and publishes about the VCs and their
Dealfront’s EU-native platform helps companies to discover their full potential market, qualify ideal leads, convert leads into deals, and optimize their go-to-market process. Helsinki, Finland
Dealfronts EU-baserade plattform hjälper företag att upptäcka hela sin marknadspotential, kvalificera ideala leads, konvertera leads till affärer och optimera sina go-to-market-processer på europeiska marknader. Helsingfors,
Dealfronts EU-tilpassede platform hjælper virksomheder med at opdage deres fulde markedspotentiale, kvalificere leads, konvertere leads til aftaler og optimere deres go-to-market-proces på de europæiske markeder.
20 Cactos One smart energy storage units will be installed in Logitri’s logistics centre in Finland, helping them maximise their onsite solar installation, reduce consumption
PR pros always want to get that tier 1 coverage, but writing op-eds and guest articles for smaller media is what helps you get there.
The Get Known Podcast sat down with the one and only Mike Butcher from TechCrunch.
The Maria 01 Impact Report shows that the hub’s startups have collected more than 700 million euros in funding over the course of its seven-year
The partnership brings the first and only EU-regulated stablecoin to the GEN-X test network, the Web3 ecosystem built with Polygon Supernets for Gaia-X participants, enabling
A PR strategy without a plan for media relationship management isn’t a PR strategy. We tell you how to do it, and why it’s important.
Coop Estonia (https://www.coop.ee/), a market leader in the Estonian grocery market, with 18 regional cooperatives, which operates 330 stores, ranging from minimarkets to hypermarkets, has expanded
To get the media to care about your company, you need to put yourself in the shoes of a journalist.
Stockholm-based freelance reporter Maddy Savage shares her experience with the BBC and other news outlets in this episode of Get Known.
SuperGround’s one-of-a-kind food production solution enables making significantly more fish food products by utilizing the whole fish while also reducing raw material waste, making the
Ruokailijat voivat nyt ensimmäistä kertaa valita tekoälyn suunnitteleman ilmastoystävällisen lounasvaihtoehdon. OULU (15.2.2023) – Henkilöstöravintolayritys Antell (https://antell.fi) on aloittanut ilmastoystävällisten lounaan pilotoinnin yhteistyössä vakuutusyhtiö Ifin kanssa Turussa
Bittimaatti, a subsidiary of the Finnish cryptocurrency service provider Coinmotion, has opened a cryptocurrency ATM in Kittilä, Finland that converts Bitcoin and Litecoin into cash.
Learn how San Francisco Agency helped Deel, one of the fastest growing tech companies in history, handle its localized Finnish press relations.
Any brand renewal has to have a purpose – ours all started with a single line. Read on to find out more.
This Finnish startup upcycles side streams of the mechanical wood industry to create 100% ecological and recyclable insulation and packaging materials that are free from
Rakennusalalla kaivataan kipeästi kestävän kehityksen innovaatioita. Suomalainen startup Fiberwood käyttää Metsä Groupin sivuvirtoja luodakseen niistä sataprosenttisesti puupohjaisia eristelevyjä ja pakkausmateriaaleja, jotka ovat vaihtoehtoja kivi- ja
Storytelling is one of the most powerful tactics your company can utilize during turbulent times.
ValoHalli – liikuttava pelihalli™ – tarjoaa perheille, peliharrastajille ja erilaisille ryhmille mahdollisuuden päästä pelaamaan liikunnallisia lisätyn todellisuuden pelejä yhdessä. HELSINKI (7.2.2023) – Suomalainen pelikehittäjä Valo
With backing from Yamaha Motor, Finnish tech startup Skipperi is expanding its shared-use boat services to Australia and the United States. Finnish startup Skipperi (https://www.skipperi.com/), a
Suomalainen veneilyalan startup Skipperi laajentaa Yamaha Motorsin johtaman rahoituskierroksen avulla toimintaansa Australiaan ja Yhdysvaltoihin. Suomalainen veneiden vuokravälityspalvelu Skipperi (https://www.skipperi.com/) kertoo keränneensä 7 miljoonan euron rahoituksen. Rahoituskierrosta
EUROe is a fiat-backed and EU-regulated stablecoin designed to help businesses, individuals, and foundations access cheaper, faster, and more stable digitally-native money. Finnish fintech company
Metsä Group has been honoured for its support of startup communities, advancing sustainable innovations related to various wood-based materials with investments, R&D and production support,
Metsä Group on palkittu jo kahtena vuotena peräkkäin kiitoksena startup-ekosysteemin monipuolisesta tukemisesta. Startupit tarjoavat mahdollisuuden olla mukana nopeasyklisessä innovoinnissa – vastapalveluksena metsäalan kasvuyritykset saavat Metsältä
The stress-relieving effects of nature indoors have been scientifically shown to improve ability in cognitive performance tasks. For employers striving to attract workers back to
Yhteistyön myötä Aurora Innovationin terveydenhuollon vaatimuksiin suunnitellut palvelut tulevat saataville uusille aloille, kuten energia- ja teollisuusaloille sekä vähittäismyyntiin. Terveydenhuollon yhteydenottojen hallintaan ratkaisuja tarjoava Aurora Innovation (https://aurorainnovation.com/fi/)
Zenchef, det Parisbaserade, ledande företaget inom restaurant tech och lösningar för restaurangbranschen – och Formitable, den Amsterdambaserade tillväxtplattformen som skapar bättre kundupplevelser genom lojalitets- och bokningslösningar,
Zenchef, en fransk udvikler af førende it-løsninger til restaurationsbranchen, og Formitable, en hollandsk vækstplatform, som optimerer og forbedrer gæsteoplevelsen gennem loyalitets- og reservationsløsninger, meddelte i
Kumppanuuksien myötä vahvistuva palvelutarjonta mahdollistaa asiakkaille kustannustehokkaampaa ja monipuolisempaa palvelua merkittävissä IT-projekteissa. HELSINKI (24.1.2023) – Suomalainen IT-talo Netum Group Oyj (https://netum.fi) ilmoittaa uusista nimityksistä. Aiemmin Netum Group
Etätyön mahdollisuus vauhditti globaalia rekrytointia, mikä johdatti vuonna 2019 perustetun Deelin poikkeukselliseen kasvuun. Maailman nopeimmin kasvavien kasvuyritysten joukkoon kuuluvan Deelin jatkuva vuosilaskutus on jo liki
The Nordics’ largest event agency group LIWLIG completes a major milestone in its Nordic expansion by acquiring Danish event agency Welcome A/S. The acquisition brings
Pohjoismaiden suurin tapahtumamarkkinointitoimisto, suomalainen LIWLIG-konserni saavuttaa merkittävän virstanpylvään pohjoismaiden laajentumisessaan ostamalla tanskalaisen Welcome-tapahtumatoimiston. Yritysosto tuo LIWLIGin Tanskan markkinoille ja mahdollistaa sen asiakkaille entistä monipuolisemmat tapahtumapalvelut
Aikaisemmin kansainvälinen rekrytointi ja tiimiläisten uudelleensijoittaminen toiseen maahan on ollut mahdollista vain isoille korporaatioille. Deelin palvelun avulla myös suomalaiset kasvuyritykset voivat tarjota joustoa ja rekrytoida
Every pitch is an opportunity to build relationships with the media.
Världens största gemenskap inom livsmedel, EIT Food, driver arbetet med innovationer och teknik för hälsosamma, hållbara och motståndskraftiga livsmedelssystem, tillsammans med toppexperter och partners från
Verdens største fællesskab af innovatører indenfor fødevareinnovation, EIT Food, er sammen med topeksperter og partnere fra Norden aktivt med til, at drive innovation og teknologi
Get Known podcast: Get inside the journalists’ mindset. In this episode, we had the pleasure of speaking with the Managing News Editor of Helsingin Sanomat,
Coinmotion, a Finland-based cryptocurrency service provider, has obtained confirmation from the Bank of Spain as a valid provider of virtual currency exchange services for fiat
New Year’s Eve is a stressful experience for dogs and their owners, as fireworks can cause pets lifelong trauma. To remind people to celebrate responsibly,
In 18 months, Selma Stevense-Bakker went from a single-person Jobilla entrepreneur to CEO of Jobilla Benelux – a 14-person team that has grown 500% in
The entire San Francisco Agency crew attended Slush from 16-18 November. Some of us are seasoned, veteran Slushers. Others have braved a couple of rounds
RELEX Solutions toppmoderna AI- och maskininlärningsfunktionalitet stödjer JYSKs allt mer komplexa kort- och långsiktiga efterfrågeprognoser, i deras tillväxtresa från 3 200 till 5 000 butiker.