Nonin Medical
See how San Francisco Agency helped Nordhealth build their brand awareness in Finland
See how San Francisco Agency helped Nordhealth build their brand awareness in Finland
With fresh capital from Metsä Spring, Chalmers Ventures, and Jovitech Invest, Adsorbi will build a pilot plant in Gothenburg, Sweden, and grow the customer base
The story behind San Francisco Agency highlights a connection to innovation and a global outlook.
Yhdysvaltain tuoreen presidentin omaisuus moninkertaistui viime viikonlopun aikana, kun hänen lanseeraamansa $TRUMP-kryptovaluutan markkina-arvo kasvoi kymmeniin miljardiin dollareihin. Donald Trumpin viime viikolla julkaisema kryptovaluutta $TRUMP moninkertaisti
Netigate is taking feedback management to the next level with the release of Ask AI. The new feature helps organisations, from banking to retail, telecoms,
Työvoimapalvelut siirtyivät TE-toimistoilta kunnille, ja nyt laadukkaan, käyttökelpoisen datan kehittäminen ja hyödyntäminen on tärkeämpää kuin koskaan. PORI (21.1.2025) – Suomalainen riippumattomia ja täsmällisiä kielimalleja valmistava
As Futurice continues to grow, solidify its market position, and redefine the boundaries of technology consulting, we are excited to share the next steps in
Holvin toteuttama Pienyrittäjäpulssi paljastaa, että lähes puolet vastanneista yrittäjistä ei ole päässyt vuoden 2024 aikana liikevaihtotavoitteeseensa. Toisaalta noin 59 prosenttia vastanneista yrittäjistä uskoo liikevaihtonsa kasvavan
The Finnish manufacturer of Microcrystalline Cellulose (MCC) has expanded its partner network with C.Q. Massó in Spain & Portugal, as well as securing a distributor
Early design sustainability thinking can cut emissions by half. Using the lowest-carbon products for all materials in a building can reduce carbon emissions by more
The Gothenburg-based deep tech company, originating from Chalmers University of Technology and backed by Chalmers Ventures, is extending the application of its pigment solution from
Swedish startup Adsorbi teams up with SmellWell and Icebug, a world leader in grip footwear, to launch shoe deodorizers made from Nordic wood, offering a
Founded at Chalmers University and funded by Chalmers Ventures, Nyctea Technologies uses its proprietary electrification and digitalization technology to purify biopharmaceuticals effectively and efficiently. This
ONEiO (, the cloud-native integration service provider, is thrilled to announce a landmark partnership with CGI, one of the largest independent IT and business consulting services
Yksi maailman suurimmista IT-konsultointitaloista, kanadalainen CGI, aloittaa yhteistyön suomalaisen ONEiON kanssa. IT-integraatioiden automatisoinnin pioneeri ONEiO ( on aloittanut yhteistyön CGI:n kanssa. CGI on yksi maailman suurimpia
In this blog, we break down the differences between earned and paid media, explore their unique benefits, and explain why a strong PR strategy is
First-of-its-kind environmental initiative addresses the critical data shortage for MEP products needed to decarbonize building services. Rueil-Malmaison (France), November 28, 2024 — Schneider Electric (, the
Kaupankäynti suomalaisessa kryptovaluuttojen välitys- ja säilytyspalvelu Kvarn X:ssä kasvoi merkittävästi Yhdysvaltain vaalien jälkeen, sillä tuleva presidentti Donald Trump tunnetaan kryptovaluuttojen kannattajana. Eniten kauppaa on käyty
With most new car sales in Europe stemming from corporate fleets, Casi’s technology enables Hyundai Connected Mobility’s MOCEAN Subscription service to bring flexible, all-inclusive vehicle
Aalto-yliopiston startup-kiihdyttämön koordinoiman ESA BIC Finland -ohjelman kautta Euroopan avaruusjärjestö ESA tukee avaruuteen liittyvien startupien toimintaa niiden alkutaipaleella. Mukaan päästäkseen ei tarvitse suunnitella satelliitteja –
With over €100M in sales transactions through HeadQ’s digital eCommerce platform for complex products and services, data shows that B2B companies risk losing significant revenue
Taloudellisen taantuman aikana HR-tiimejä on supistettu ja rekrytointi on siirtynyt takaisin esihenkilöiden pöydälle. Jobillan ja TalentAdoren tekoälyavusteiset työkalut mahdollistavat yrityksille huippuosaajien houkuttelun ja hakijoille inhimillisen
Suomalaisen kryptovaluuttatoimija Kvarn X:n sijoitusjohtaja Joonas Järvinen arvioi, että Yhdysvaltain presidentinvaalien lopputuloksen myötä kryptovaluuttamarkkinoilla rikotaan vielä monia ennätyksiä. Bitcoinin arvo nousi jo Donald Trumpin voiton
Metsä Groups nya förpackningsvarumärke Muoto finns nu tillgängligt för testkunder som letar efter alternativ till plastförpackningar. Tack vare de valda råmaterialen och en nyutvecklad tillverkningsteknik
Newly appointed CEO Tiina Bensky has extensive experience in brand development in the beauty industry from leading brands like L’Oréal and Lumene. The appointment marks
Uudella toimitusjohtalla on pitkä kokemus kasvun johtamisesta kosmetiikka-alan johtavissa yrityksistä kuten L’Orealilla sekä Lumenella. Nimitys vauhdittaa Innomostin koivunkuoresta valmistettujen aktiivisten raaka-aineiden kansainvälistä kasvua, jonka moottorina
The partnership between the two companies will enable EG customers to optimize water usage and reduce costs in their real estate investments. With the upcoming
Samarbejdet mellem de to virksomheder vil give EG-kunder mulighed for at optimere vandforbruget og reducere omkostningerne i deres ejendomsinvesteringer. Med det kommende Corporate Sustainability Reporting
Yhteistyö tarjoaa EG:n asiakkaille mahdollisuuden optimoida vedenkäyttöään ja pienentää vedenkäytön kustannuksia sijoituskiinteistöissään. EU:n CSRD-vastuullisuusdirektiivin myötä kumppanuudella on ratkaiseva merkitys kiinteistöhallintayhtiöille, joiden odotetaan seuraavan salkkunsa vedenkäyttöä.
Samarbetet mellan de två företagen kommer att göra det möjligt för EG:s kunder att optimera vattenanvändningen och minska kostnaderna i sina fastighetsinvesteringar. Med det kommande
Maria Börjesson brings her extensive experience in leadership, technology, and people development to Netigate, setting the stage for continued growth and innovation. STOCKHOLM, Sweden (October
Finnish biotech scaleup Enifer is the first Nordic company to apply for Novel Food approval for a mycoprotein ingredient. With its new production facility, set
Avoid these common PR pitfalls at Slush to maximize your brand’s impact and stand out. Our guide covers essential strategies to prepare, connect, and leave
Det nya verktyget ger tillgång till bygg – och fastighetsbranschens största databas med klimat- och hållbarhetsdata från över 250 000 produkter. Genom att hitta och
The new tool gives access to the construction industry’s largest sustainability dataset of over 250,000 products. Finding and choosing lower-carbon products allows reductions that can
We talk with Veera Honkanen, the lone California-based correspondent for Finland’s largest business publication, Kauppalehti.
Made from sustainably harvested Nordic wood, Adsorbi’s cellulose-based air freshener is a longer-lasting alternative to conventional odor-removal products like activated carbon. As it expands its
The new launches combine color cosmetics with boosting and caring ingredients, in line with the strongly continuing trend of streamlining makeup routines and hybrid products
Exolyt challenges big players in a global market by specialising in a new vertical and highly competitive space of the rapidly growing TikTok social media
This recognition highlights the breakthrough of the company’s Microcrystalline Cellulose (MCC) production at their new production facility, powered by the patented AaltoCell™ technology. ESPOO, Finland
Gain valuable insights into media consumption trends in the Swedish market. A key finding that piqued our interest as a PR agency is how Swedes
Due to the modern lifestyle of extreme hygiene and lack of exposure to nature, immune-mediated diseases are on the rise globally. For the first time
Master your next media interview with confidence using these essential tips from our media training guide. Whether you’re representing a brand or building your personal
Food technology company Hailia and fish processing company Hätälä have started a cooperation to launch a fish product made from the salmon parts left on
Metsä Group’s new packaging brand is now available for pilot customers looking for packaging solutions that, thanks to Muoto’s modularity and new technology used in
Together, Casi and J.P. Morgan Payments aim to deliver flexible mobility solutions that enable integrated payments across the connected mobility ecosystem. Bergen, Norway (September 12th,
Airlines and MROs using Swiss-AS’ AMOS M&E platform will benefit from the integration of QOCO Systems’ to offer increased efficiency and advanced capabilities in
Despite global hype for GenAI, most businesses have so far failed to take their GenAI prototypes from experimentation to production. Root Signals has developed an
As Sunstorm retires, the mission reaffirms Kuva Space’s capability to design, build, launch, and operate CubeSats that deliver scientific-grade data. Finnish hyperspectral microsatellite and AI-powered
Swedish medtech company Amferia announces the successful completion of its latest investment round, boosting its mission to combat wound infections. Investors include Chalmers Ventures. The
See how San Francisco Agency helped Nordhealth build their brand awareness in Finland
In today’s fast-paced world, a corporate crisis can escalate quickly, putting your reputation and business at risk. Effective crisis communication is key to mitigating damage
Jobilla’s new AI-driven localization and campaign management tools help create tailored recruitment campaigns in target candidates’ native language without manual translations, as well as significantly
Finnish biotech company NADMED has developed the first test to measure all four bodily forms of vitamin B3, called NADs, and glutathiones directly from fresh
PR can be a powerful tool, but it’s not always the right fit. Learn three key reasons why public relations might not be the best
Hyperfield-1 is the first satellite in Kuva Space’s planned constellation, which will provide near-real-time global hyperspectral data to effectively monitor climate change impacts, food security,
Discover the most common PR mistakes and how to avoid them to improve your campaign success. Learn about newsworthiness, pitching, and strategic planning.
”Annual Water Report”, som baseras på global vattendata i kombination med Smartvattens databas med 20.000 fastigheter och 200.000 lägenheter i 36 länder, visar på genomgående
Vaisala Xweather air quality data will be available to drivers of the new BMW X1, X2, and 2-Series Active Tourer cars, as well as MINI
The Annual Water Report, based on global water data combined with Smartvatten’s database of 20,000 properties and 200,000 apartments in 36 countries, shows consistent water
With funding from Vendep Capital, Cluby Co-Founder & Investor Pekka Koskinen, and Wolt Co-Founder Elias Aalto, Cluby will expand its restaurant platform around Europe to
Jennifer Brown is the executive editor of CBS News Radio based out of New York. We got the chance to sit down with her at
The Finnish company’s new factory has received the prestigious certification after being thoroughly audited by a recognized international entity. Nordic Bioproducts Group’s product offers the
Startup Neurabody ( uses data and IoT products to help millions address back pain more effectively. Their ergonomic solutions target office workers, insurance companies, and even