Woman using a laptop with The New York Times on the screen

When is the right time to hire a PR agency?

Deciding to work with a PR agency is an important step for any growing business. However, knowing the right time to engage with such a partner is crucial for maximizing its benefits. While some may rush into getting PR assistance, it’s important to determine when your company is truly prepared to make the most of an agency’s expertise.

One of the most common mistakes businesses make is rushing to hire a PR agency to do campaigns when they lack a compelling narrative or clear strategic direction. Without a solid foundation in place, the efforts of even the most skilled PR professionals may yield limited results. Still, you shouldn’t wait to hire a PR agency until you have messaging and a strategy in place. Agencies have expertise in creating these vital assets for you, and they can play a pivotal role in helping you identify and refine what makes you stand out from the competition. Here’s how a PR agency can assist you.

1. Strategic Guidance

A skilled PR professional can offer valuable insights and strategic guidance to help you refine your messaging, identify newsworthy developments, and develop a comprehensive PR strategy aligned with your business goals.
Before reaching out to journalists, you really need to have a pool of good PR topics, think about which audiences you are trying to reach, and what makes your company newsworthy. Remember, you’re not just trying to convince your audience, you also need to get a journalist interested.
2. Content Development
PR agencies excel at crafting compelling content that captures the attention of your target audience. Whether it’s press releases, thought leadership articles, blogs, or social media posts, they can help you develop engaging content that reinforces your brand narrative.
But most importantly, PR agencies help you create a coherent story, told through all these channels. Without it, you risk talking about eight different things, and no one gets a real impression of what your company is really all about.

3. Media Relations

Building and nurturing relationships with journalists and media outlets is a cornerstone of effective PR. A PR agency can leverage its network and expertise to secure media coverage and amplify your early messages across various channels.
While it’s prudent to wait until you have news, messaging, and a strategy in place before hiring a PR agency, it’s essential to recognize that agencies can play a valuable role in helping you develop and refine these elements. By partnering with a PR agency at the right time, you can unlock the full potential of your brand and achieve greater visibility and recognition in the marketplace.


The right timing is different from company to company. However, a great guideline is that when you’ve decided you want to start preparing for PR, that’s when you should get in contact with someone who knows what they’re doing. That way, you’re set on the right path from the get-go, and don’t have to make massive pivots later.

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