Fake news, misinformation, and disinformation continue to be a huge problem in the world. It sometimes feels like you can’t trust anything you read. This was a bit of a different episode, where Steve Lee and Christina Forsgård, both comms pros, sat down and talked about the media and journalism getting deeper into this increasingly problematic issue in the world.
Besides being the founder of Net Profile and a crisis comms pro, Christina has spent years leading efforts in journalism and communication ethics to find ways to combat the growing problems with disinformation in the media. We got deep into the current culture of news consumption, the ways trust has been lost over the years, and we discuss ways it might be brought back again.
Over the years, the podcast has had conversations with different journalists whom we know are really providing solid reporting and ethical execution of information gathering and reporting. In my conversation with Christina, I was reminded how lucky we are to have journalism ethics and structures to share the truth. But there are so many things that are getting in the way around the world and so many countries that do not have these freedoms we have in Finland and other Nordic countries.
Christina has great insights about how misinformation is happening around the current crisis in Ukraine and other ways bad news drives our news cycles. In short, our conversation goes from Twitter to personal media consumption diversification so I am sure there is a bit of something for everyone as we try to solve one of the biggest issues in an internet-driven media world.
Listen to the newest episode of the Get Known podcast with Christina Forsgård to learn more!