Interview survival guide

Interview survival guide: Here are our media training essentials

Media interviews can significantly impact your reputation, brand, and career. However, being unprepared can lead to misstatements and even damaging headlines. With proper media training, you can turn these potential pitfalls into opportunities to shine. When you’re well-prepared for an interview, you exude confidence and articulate your thoughts with ease. By anticipating potential questions and challenges, you can craft thoughtful responses and avoid getting caught off guard. This lets you control the narrative and ensure your message is effectively communicated.

Why is this important to understand?

In today’s newsrooms, journalists are often expected to churn out multiple articles per day, often on completely different topics. With that, being an effective and to-the-point interviewee can often be the difference between getting drowned in the lifestyle section or ending up on the front page. The interview setting can be a scary thing, but the impact of a good interview can be great. With these few steps, you’ll be able to charm an audience, get your point across, and create headline-friendly quotes when journalists come a-calling:

1. Be prepared and understand your purpose

Entering an interview unprepared or unclear about its purpose can undermine your credibility. To avoid becoming an “interview victim,” take control by viewing each question as an opportunity to reinforce your key public relations messages. Ensure you have a solid grasp of the topic and know precisely what you want to communicate. A little media training does not hurt, either.

Pro tip: you can always ask if you can get any questions beforehand.

2. Speak clearly and avoid jargon

As a general rule, overly technical language can alienate the journalist and the audience. Aim for simplicity and clarity in your explanations, making your message accessible to everyone. This is especially vital during radio and TV interviews, where your body language and enthusiasm also play significant roles. Start with your main points and tailor your language to authentically connect with your target audience. Again, media training is the key to success. It will help you master interviews!

3. Guide the conversation

While journalists lead the interview, don’t hesitate to steer the discussion toward your core messages. Remember, you likely possess more in-depth knowledge about the subject than the reporter. Take the initiative to explain complex points and simplify concepts, ensuring your perspective is clearly understood. But please, do answer the question asked.

4. Stick to the truth and avoid speculation

Honesty is paramount. Sharing inaccurate information or speculating can damage your credibility and the trust of your audience, which is a big interview mistake. If you’re unsure about something, it’s better to admit it than to guess. Also, refrain from using phrases like “no comment” (unless you genuinely can’t give one in a crisis situation), which can create suspicion. Instead, briefly explain why you cannot provide an answer at that moment, and get back to the journalist with an answer as soon as you can.

5. Be mindful at all times

 Assume that everything you say, even when the camera is off, could be used publicly. The concept of “off the record” is not always reliable, so maintain professionalism throughout your interaction with the media.
We hope these guidelines help you navigate media interviews confidently and effectively.  At the end of the day, you should be proud of your performance in an interview situation. Remember to have reasonable expectations of yourself. Being interviewed in the media is an unusual situation for most of us. However, with some media training and preparation, your public relations message can be delivered clearly and resonate with your intended audience.

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